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STAKEHOLDER RELATIONS: Stakeholder Management Framework


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Managing different stakeholders has become a core element of business strategies in many successful organisations. SALGA like many other private and public sector organisations has realised that managing its stakeholders effectively will lead to enhanced delivery on its core mandate and will help in enhancing its profile and that of local government in general. It has therefore established a Stakeholder Engagement programme.

Aims and Objectives

The Stakeholder Management programme aims to develop a coherent approach to managing SALGA’s stakeholders in order to facilitate a collective effort towards advancing the interest of Local Government and its pursuit of innovative, quality and sustainable services.

The programme seeks at all times to maximise value from different stakeholders towards achieving its mandate and objectives referred to in its constitution, Five Year Strategic Plan (2007 – 2012) and annual business plans. It is acknowledged that sustainable relationships must be mutually beneficial to all parties concerned hence SALGA tries wherever possible to structure its relationships and associated activities in a manner that stakeholders may also derive value from their relationship with it.

The main objectives for engaging with various stakeholders include:

  • To harness the collective resources available towards enhancing the local government agenda
  • To build SALGA’s capacity to guide, advise and support municipalities in delivering on their mandate
  • To build SALGA’s capacity to engage with policy making processes in the interest of local government
  • To facilitate a large critical mass of voices advocating local government issues in the best interest of local government
  • To facilitate issue based alliances as an advocacy tool
  • To facilitate a mutually reinforcing peer learning approach to IGR and co-operative governance

Stakeholder Categories

SALGA has different categories of stakeholders which require differentiated management in order to maximise achievement of various objectives. The categories are structured as follows:



Site Map:

Welcome to SALGA
Our Constitution
Governance Framework
Our Structure
Executive Management Team
National Executive Committee
Provincial Executive Committee
National Working Groups
Provincial Working Groups
Provincial Overviews

Media Room
Press Releases
Media Statements
Image Gallery
SALGA Media Enquiries


Municipal Focus
About Municipalities
Guidelines for Municipalities
Municipal Audit Outcomes
Municipal Finance
Municipal Planning
Treasury Reports
Municipal Contact Details

Documents and Publications
Annual Reports
Annual Performance Plans
Strategic Plans
Corporate Presentation
Voice Magazine
National Members Assembly
National Municipal Managers Forum


Knowledge Hub
Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
SALGA Lexis Nexis Legal Content
Good Governance Learning Network
Learning Framework for Local Government
Local Government Briefs
Knowledge Hub Documents
Knowlede Hub Publications
Knowledge Portals

Stakeholder Relations
Stakeholder Management Framework
Stakeholder Management Directory



Suppliers & Vendors
Tender Notices
Terms of Reference for Tenders
Responsive Bidders to Tenders
Results to Bids
Central Supplier Database
Standard Bid Documents
Indemnity Certificate Check
Government Procurement Conditions of Contract
Request for Proposals

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