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SERI-SALGA Recommendations on Regulation of Informal Trade

SERI-SALGA Informal Trade Jurisprudence

Informal Economy Consultation Report

Informal Economy Research Report and Discussion Document

Community Protest- Local Government Perceptions

March 2016:
Article Release of reports

Dhes1 Perceptions of municipal water and sanitation service

March 2016:
MBI Presentation National Report Highlights 4 MARCH 2016

March 2016:
Back to Basics for Wastewater SALGA workshop

March 2016:
MBI National Report Launch - Briefing Notes

Perceptions of water services

January 2016:
Perceptions of Municipal Water and Sanitation Services


Waste Water Technology Guide

15 Years Review Local Government (Final)

May 2014:
Municipal Bench-marking Initiative Annual Report on Water Services in South Africa 2013

November 2010:
Women in Local Government Summit Report 2010

Report on Youth participation in Local Government learning events

Report on the review of HIV and AIDS capacity building and training programmes

Report of the workshop on the disability framework for local govenment

May 2013:
Developing a response to Backyarding for SALGA

Stellenbosch municipality working to provide a dignified life for shack dwellers. PLANNING CASE STUDY 1: Stellenbosch municipality

Lessons from the central Karoo participatory appraisal of competitive advantage
LED CASE STUDY 2: The Central Karoo Rising

Planning for a greener future, what stands in our way?
PLANNING CASE STUDY 2: planning for a greener future, what stands in our way?

Building a supportive environment for integrated development planning
PLANNING CASE 3: Building a supportive environment for integrated development planning

Mitchelles Plain town centre: planning informal trade transformation in an urban renewal project
LED CASE STUDY 4: Mitchelles Plain town centre: planning informal trade transformation in an urban renewal project

Municipalities are growing horns; a reflection on the outcomes of the western cape LED maturity assessments
LED CASE STUDY 6: Municipalities are growing horns; a reflection on the outcomes of the western cape LED maturity assessments

Analysis of Local Government Finances
Analysis of Local Government Finances

Free Basic Municipal Services
Free Basic Municipal Services

Migration Report
Migration Report

Service Delivery Protests and Migration
Service Delivery Protests and Migration

Disaster Risk Management Status Assesment At Municipalities in South Africa
Disaster Risk Management Status Assesment At Municipalities in South Africa

Strategic Review on Operations,Maintenance and Sustainability of Ventilated Improved Pit Toilets
Strategic Review on Operations,Maintenance and Sustainability of Ventilated Improved Pit Toilets

State of Cemetries Report
State of Cemetries Report

Disaster Risk Reduction Report
Disaster Risk Reduction Report

Human Development- Beyond the Basics Report
Human Development- Beyond the Basics Report

Knowledge Management in South African cities 2013

Capacity Building through Knowledge Management: a toolkit for South African municipalities

Case Study Nkomazi Municipality
EPWP Case Study

A practical Brief on Environmental and Climate Change Governance for South African Municipalities
Good Environmental Governance in Local Government

March 2016:

March 2016:
SALGA 02 March 2016 SCoA presentation on Budget


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