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10 October 2012:
SALGA Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs


31 July 2012:
SALGA Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Labour

27 July 2012:
SALGA Presentation at Public Hearings on the Electricity Distribution Industry

24 July 2012:
SALGA Presentation at Public Hearings Cooperatives Amendment Bills


29 May 2012: SALGA Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs
SALGA's Input on Waste Management Strategy


28 February 2012:
SALGA Response to 2011 DoRB - Select Committee On Appropriations

28 February 2012:
SALGA Presentation to Parliamentary Committee on COGTA. SALGA Strategic Plan 2012/17 and Annual Performance Plan

28 February 2012:
SALGA Presentation Select Committee on Economic Development. Comments On The Progress on Solar Water Heater Rollout

28 February 2012:
Presentation to Select Committees on Appropriations. SALGA Comments on the 2012/13 DoRB

24 April 2012:
SALGA Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements

15 and 16 May 2012:
SALGA Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Energy Independent System and Market Operator Bill Public Hearings

14 February 2012:
SALGA Presentation Select Committee on Economic Development. Progress relating to the implementation of Integrated National Electrifiction Programme (INEP)



09 November 2011:
SALGA Presentation Standing Committee on Appropriations on Medium Term Budget Policy Statement


11 October 2011:
SALGA Presentation Standing Committee on Appropriations EPWP Incentive Model


21 June 2011:
SALGA Presentation to Parliamentary Committee on COGTA

14 June 2011:
SALGA Presentation Select Committee on Economic Development


31 May 2011:
SALGA Presentation to Parliamentary Committee on Energy

24 May 2011:
SALGA Presentation to Parliamentary Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs


31 March 2011:
SALGA Presentation to Parliamentary Committee on Energy

29 March 2011:
SALGA Presentation Select Committee Finance and Appropriation

4 March 2011:
SALGA Presentation to Parliamentary Committee on Environ Affairs - NCCR green paper


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